wife to joe.
mom to vincent and lucy.
thinks joe is the greatest thing in the world.
(because he is, duh!)
lasagna-maker extraordinaire.
loves orange tic tacs.
hubby to t dawg.
dad to vincent and lucy.
new kidney going strong since October 2008!
frequently sharts.
camping fiend.
motorcycle/truck/car enthusiast.
insane genius preparing to take over the world.
wants to get into desert racing.
loves anything dealing with off-roading and/or camping.
loves food.
enjoys camping.
loves food.
digging champion.
loves food.
sniffs other dog's butts.
loves food.
cutest animal on the planet.
loves food.
baby human.
resembles a zombie when hungry.
is hungry all the time.
grows exponentially, daily.
loves milk.
loves eating.
loves sleeping.
loves pooping.
loves boobies.
starting to like veggies, oatmeal, and rice cereal.
the happiest and cutest baby known to man.
personality slowly taking shape.