Transplantation is one of the most remarkable success stories in the history of medicine. But despite continuing advances in medicine and technology, the need for organs and tissue is vastly greater than the number available for transplantation.
Transplantation gives hope to thousands of people with organ failure and provides many others with active and renewed lives.
To learn more, please visit Donate Life America's website.
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We need you on our side! You don’t have to be a cop, a lawyer or a judge to fight animal cruelty. All you need is the courage to speak up for those who cannot speak for themselves.
To learn more, please visit the ASPCA website.
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The fishermen of Taiji have developed a highly effective method of locating, capturing and eradicating dolphins, sometimes as many as one hundred or more in a single day. Before sunrise, about 26 fishermen board their 13 motorized boats and head out to deep water where the dolphins migrate. The dolphins have been using these migratory paths for thousands, perhaps millions, of years, and the hunters know exactly where to find them. When a school of dolphins swims by, the fishermen position their boats one behind the other, perfectly evenly spaced. Then they lower several stainless steel poles into the water, one on each side of each boat. The poles are flared out at the bottom much like a bell, which amplifies the sound produced when the hunters repeatedly hit the poles with hammers. The noise creates a wall of sound underwater, and the dolphins suddenly find themselves trapped between this wall of sound and the shoreline. Trying to get away from the sound, the dolphins swim in the opposite direction, toward the shore. The dolphins' panic and loss of navigational sense enable the fishermen to drive them into a small, hidden cove near Taiji harbor. The fishermen seal the mouth of the cove with several nets, and the dolphins are trapped.
Just before sunrise, the fishermen herd the trapped dolphins into shallow water, close to the rocky beach. Here, they kill the dolphins with long, sharp spears. Often times, they stab the dolphins with sharp fishermen's hooks and haul the still living dolphins onto their boats. The cruelty is enormous. The dolphins thrash about in their own blood, and the air fills with their screams.
To learn more about this cause, please visit the Save Japan Dolphins website.
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Here is a link to frequently asked questions about the Japan Dolphins:
The Beagle Freedom Project, is a mission to rescue beagles used in animal experimentation in research laboratories and give them a chance at life in a loving forever home.
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