It's almost here. The moment you have all been waiting for.
[bear with me...I'm going to act like a teenager for a minute]
The only thing I'm concerned about is where to see the film. I'm almost certain that we will be surrounded by a sea of hormonally driven teenagers no matter where we go. It's going to be madness. There's already talk of theaters selling out, people camping out and waiting in long lines, you name it. And parking. I'm almost thinking that this weekend at movie theaters will be akin to the release of The Dark Knight - meaning, I think it may be impossible to find parking anywhere. [Don't remember what I'm referring to? Click
And I'm worried for Joe, too. Mostly because I know he doesn't wholeheartedly want to go. And also because I know that, once we are waiting for the film to start surrounded by loud, obnoxious (like we all once were) and screaming kids, he will look at me and probably wonder to himself, "who is this crazy person who made me come to this movie?" But he said he definitely wants to go. I know he is faking his enthusiasm, but I love how supportive he is of my mad indulgence in this crazy teen "thing". God, give him strength. And serenity.
Actually, I may need some, too. :o)
Can it be Friday yet???