Tuesday, January 1, 2013

2013...here we come!

We made only 11 blog posts in the past year. Count 'em...


And 6 of them were from Joe.  That's more than half of them.  I only made 5 blog posts in the past year?  What the heck, man!  I know I've had work and a baby to take care of, but seriously.  I shouldn't even HAVE a blog at this point.  If it weren't for Father/Son Adventure Fridays, this blog would have created it's own black hole over the past year.  

So...I guess this means it's officially New Years' Resolution time! 

  1. Blog more.  I would like to post at least twice a month on what's going on upstairs and under the stairs.  Okay, that's sounded slightly creepy.  But yeah.  Twice a month.  Next!
  2. Teardrop. Had to put it on hold after finding out we were having a baby.  But the kid is like 10 years old now* so it's time.  We don't have to do everything in one month (can we say "expensive?")...but we've got a year.  We can do this.  Next!
  3. Play more. Go out on more dates**.  Have fun adventures with Vincent.  Go camping or just get out of town at least every other month.  See movies in the theater BEFORE they get put on Netflix.  Read more books.  Design more.  Next!
  4. Write a book.  Yeah, you read that right.  I actually tell Joe probably once a week "I want to write a book!"  But I haven't done shit about it yet.  So I'm starting and that's that.  End of story.  Pun intended***.  Next!
  5. Get right financially. Specifically, pay off debt.  The mortgage obviously will take a million years.  But everything else needs to be gone.  Can't stand it.  It makes me feel bad about myself.  So it's time to get rid of the debt. Oh yeah...and start saving again. Next! 
  6. Find something positive in everything.  No explanation needed on this one.  Next!
  7. Practice patience.  I am a pretty patient person, generally speaking.  But there are times when I lose my cool and get hot headed...specifically with family.  And usually over the most stupid things you could think of.  I need to be overall more consistently patient with those I love.  Especially Joe...and especially V. I mean come on, T.  He's a freakin' baby!  He won't be perfect and won't learn everything on the first try.  I mean, I know he'll still annoy me at times, but I really need to remember that he's just a baby.
  8. Love infinitely.  Love fully every day, from the top of my head to the tips of my toes.  In every situation, good or bad, just love unconditionally.
* He's not really 10 yet. But time flies so fast, so he'll be there before we know it, I'm sure. 

** Dates with JOE, of course. Get your mind out of the gutter. ;-)

*** Please don't judge said future book on what is written in my blog, please.  The bad jokes will only be seen here.

From our family to you and yours...Happy New Year!!  

I hope that your 2013 will be filled with nothing less than all of the wonderful things you hope for.

1 comment:

carlotta said...

Dear Theresa,

I would like to contact you in order to ask you some information regarding your professional experience.

Could you please contact me per email: carlotta.baccolini@gmai.com

Kind Regards,

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