Saturday, May 24, 2008

Sad but true

Just a quick bitch, This is the first Memorial Day Weekend in roughly 11 years that I haven't gone camping. What could keep us from camping ? The weather. Seriously, it's too cold to camp this Arizona!! The highs for the weekend where we were heading are 70, which is good, but the low is 30. Seriously ? 30 fricken degrees ? Are you kidding me ? I went camping in New Hampshire the last 11 years, move to AZ and it's too cold ? Shouldn't that be the opposite ? Shouldn't it be too hot ? It was 110 tuesday. Flagstaff actually got snow this weekend. I hear any elevation above 6000 feet got snow. The weathermen were saying 12-18" above 8000 feet. Oh well, I guess it's for the better. T is sick, and I might be getting sick so I guess a weekend of doing nothing is a good thing. We'll just have to stay in and watch our new TV.


t dawg said...

I say we still go.

It just might be a little wet out and we'll just need some heavy jackets!

Maybe we should invest in a jacket for the beagle...

Jen said...

Sorry but I have to do it- It's 80 and gorgeous here, perfect camping weather!
Course none of us are going cuz we're all helping Liz paint her house.
But we could...

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