Monday, June 9, 2008

$4.15 and counting...

I won't mention anything else about the astronomical price of gasoline other than the fact that seeing nothing lower than $4.15 for gas at every gas station makes me seriously want to hurl.

How are the prices in other parts of the country? New Hampshire folks? California folks?

I have never seen gas prices so high in my entire life! And I'm seriously disgusted by this trend.


Colleen said...

You could have stolen the picture off my blog that I wrote about gas prices! The gas prices are the single most ridiculous thing I have ever seen in my life! I keep thinking it can only get better, but I don't know if it is true anymore!

Bobbie said...

$3.85 at Hess in Derry last Friday. Can't begin to imagine what it is today.

Lindsay Teague Moreno | 5ive Photo said...

i read a report that said it's gong to stay above $4/gal for at least 1 year. I'm thinking we may need to look into a new system...clearly OPEC isn't working out for us!

t dawg said...

ha ha. yeah. Come ON, people!

I just drove by a gas station this afternoon that had a huge electronic screen out front. In huge letters on the screen it said: $4.28

Whoopdeefreakindoo! If I were them, I would write the gas prices in the smallest lettering possible.

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