Tuesday, September 2, 2008

What's new in Joeville ?

I just wanted to represent the Y Chromosome and post some stuff. T and I were chatting the other day about changes we're gonna make when we rule the world. First off, we want to do away with the electoral college and let popular vote determine the president, but we also want to see more than two choices. We feel each party should have a a few candidates. Also, we'd finish the border fence...and dig a moat. All the dirt taken out of the moat could be used to fill in New Orleans. Theresa also expressed interest in filling said moat with hungry pitbulls. I think this would help with overcrowding at animal shelters. I'd also abolish that damn law that says if you can sneak in and have a kid here, the kid becomes a citizen. No more of that crap. You'd have to present proof of citizenship within 24 hours or you, your baby daddy and the kid would be deported. In our dictatorship you'd also have to apply for a licence to procreate, to stop stupid people from breeding.
Not much else going on, work is still work. I go because I have to, not because I want to. If it weren't challenging, I'd probably be even more miserable. Not much you can do when you need the insurance. Less than 2 weeks to go until we leave for Hawaii, Sept. 12th, I'm uber excited to go. After that my favorite sister is going to be giving me her left(over) kidney a few weeks later, Oct. 7th. Sorry other two sisters, you guys are gonna have to step up to match Jens level. Lucy is still a PITA sometimes, we take her to the dogpark on tuesdays and thursdays to play with Scooter, a Black Lab / Beagle mix. (wouldn't that be a lab-bea ?) I also found an adorable 8 month old lab-bea on petfinder.com, but T has talked me out of it because it's really bad timing. Nothing too exciting.


Lindsay Teague Moreno | 5ive Photo said...

oh, i am so in on your citizenship rules!!!


t dawg said...

yeah. it's gotten really out of hand and, in my opinion, our country is being taken advantage of. mostly because we suck at preventing it, i think.

anyway, i think you should say all of that verbatim, Joe, when you give your inaugural speech.

Anonymous said...

joee!!!! look at dis bike i'm tryin to get!!! remember these???


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