I bought a camper shell off Craigslist for my truck, it was really cheap, but did not fit perfectly. I thought I would just modify it a little to make it fit and then we could use. After driving with it on my truck for a day or two I realized it was really, really obnoxious because it has no windows, so I cannot see behind me to back up, and I now have huge blind spots when I try to change lanes. I decided to put it back on craigslist to recoup my money, and since then I've realized that 90% of CL users are idiots. The first guy who emails me actually shows up to look at it, but it doesn't fit right so he decideds not to buy it. No problem. The second guy who emails me barely speaks english, but manages to convey a date and a time he wants to see it. He arrives, but isn't driving a truck. He looks at it, asks a few questions, tells me he'll be back the next day with his truck to buy it... he never shows up, doesn't call, doesn't email so I contact the next person who emailed me. He shows up, with his truck, but has a shell already on it. He takes some measurements, tells me he'll be back the next day to buy it. When i wake up the next day he has already called and left me a voicemail telling me he won't be coming to buy it. I then call the next person who emailed me, who mumbles something about being somewhere, and he'll call me when he gets back to Phoenix... that was about 30 hours ago, still no call. I haven't gotten anymore responses, so it's still sitting on my truck, which I must add looks like a smurf because the truck is blue and the cap is white.
here's my ad:
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