Monday, March 21, 2011

dear baby

Dear Baby -

My name is Theresa and I am your mother. Your father's name is Joseph. Both me and your father love you very much and are trying to get prepared for when we finally meet you! You have a sister named Lucy. She's not going to be like you at all because she is a beagle dog, she walks on four legs, and eats from a bowl on the ground. But she's your sister, nonetheless, and is very excited to meet you! You also have grandparents and aunties and uncles and cousins who are anxiously waiting for your arrival and are happy whenever we have new updates about you. So I just wanted to let you know that you are already so loved and that everyone is so excited to meet you!

You have been living in my uterus for about 18 weeks now. And uterus is a weird word, actually, so from now on I will use the word "belly". So, let's start over...

You have been living in my belly for about 18 weeks now, and I really hope that you are comfortable in there. I have been trying to eat as well as I can every day (except when we have a pizza lunch at work, like today!) and have been taking vitamins to help you grow into a strong and healthy baby. I even go for long walks with your daddy and Lucy to help keep you (and myself) as healthy as possible. And I actually need to do way more of this because I want nothing more than for you to be healthy.

I've been reading a lot of books, and websites and blogs (you'll learn all about those things in due time) about what to expect during pregnancy...and most of it is very helpful. But I am learning a lot on my own, too. For example, I have learned that if I go without eating longer than 2 hours, you will send my body into a headache-filled uproar until I eat something...even if it's just a glass of juice. I have learned that I never really knew what true heartburn was until now. I have learned that the second I start to roll over onto my belly (which is my all-time FAVORITE sleeping position), I get instant discomfort and have to lean back on my side. I have learned how quickly my body can change within a really short amount of time. I have learned that you, actually, have primary control of my body altogether!

I have also learned that I know nothing about being a mother.

Your daddy and I are learning a lot about each other and have spent a lot of time (and more to come!) talking about how we are going to be parents. It's scary for us! The thing that scares us the most is that we really don't want to mess up and be terrible parents. I guess that's probably a normal parent fear...but we really truly want to be the best parents. So we will continue talking about how we want to raise you, where we want to raise you, how we are going to show you love every day, how we are going to provide for you, how we are going to care for you. And...though, I know we don't quite know what we're doing...if we keep talking about you and loving you, then I have a feeling everything will be perfect.

I hope you are doing okay and can't wait to feel your first little kick!


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