Wednesday, June 15, 2011

dear holy Lord, whose legs are these?

After camping this past weekend, I was BEAT!

As in seriously, utterly, completely, and indubitably exhausted.

It was crazy.

And not only was I the most tired I've been in awhile, I was also the most dirty I've been in awhile. Which means that as soon as we were done unpacking from the trip, I was in the shower and cleaning up.

There's nothing like a good long shower after a weekend of camping!

But what totally surprised me was when I started shaving my legs and realized that the legs in front of me were not mine. no way...resembled anything CLOSE to what my legs look like. I mean, it was like I was staring at tree trunks really. And there is NO WAY that those were my legs. I mean...really? Tree trunks? Seriously?

I know that looks are superficial and that pregnancy swelling is temporary, but I've felt about as glamorous as a piece of trash for the past 8 months so far and my feet and ankles seriously swell more and more by the day.

I mean, the shower was really nice and it felt great to clean up and relax.

And there's no way in h-e-double hockey stick that I'm going to go without showering or shaving.

But I'm thinking next time I'll just keep my eyes closed and hope for the best.

1 comment:

Samara Link said...

:) You are so funny, T.

That sucks though. You're on the home stretch, baby! Almost done with pregnancy.

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