Tuesday, March 11, 2008


Just writing a mid-week post to say hello and let you know what's going on...

Not much has happened since the last entry. Joe is still going to dialysis on Tuesday, Thursday and Saturdays. He completed his first week this past Saturday and...thank goodness...so far so good!

He says that he hasn't noticed any drastic improvements in the way he's been feeling lately, but he hasn't been getting sick in the mornings anymore and no longer has night sweats. I know that there have been many times he's felt very sick to his stomach and over the past week, it seems like this has diminished greatly (correct me if I'm wrong, Joe). So that's the report for now.

Joe will (hopefully) be speaking with his social worker to get him into a new center (one that's closer and better quality) and on a new treatment schedule (Monday, Wednesday, Friday)...so hopefully that will happen soon.

As for me, "life is good":
  • Joe is getting good treatment and is on the path to getting a new kidney (they haven't called him for a consultation yet, but at least the ball has started to roll)
  • Lucy is such a sweetheart (except when she's not, of course....ha ha)
  • My job is getting a LITTLE more interesting (more on that to come)
  • The weather, while hot earlier today, is now GORGEOUS as I type this on the patio
  • We don't have puppy kindergarten on the weekends anymore...which means we can start camping and doing FUN STUFF!
The only complaint I have is.....garlic is a MONSTER to peel! I hate, Hate, HATE peeling garlic. I know, I know....I could buy the minced garlic that is already peeled. But seriously, people...you'd think there would be an easier way than to try to peel the ridiculously thin skin from a clove of garlic!

Until next time,


Lindsay Teague Moreno | 5ive Photo said...

hey...i am sorry to hear about all the health problems for Joe...yick! Sending good healthy thoughts! Glad to see you have a blog!


Bobbie said...

easy trick to peeling garlic. cut off the ends and hit the clove with the heel of your hand. the skin will come right off.
by the way, if that's the worst of your problems, good for you!

Lindsay Teague Moreno | 5ive Photo said...

PS...we LOVE camping and want to go! We also have some friends tat love to go...we're thinking about planning a grip for mid april to Christopher Creek or the likes...wanna go?


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