Wednesday, December 24, 2008

and a partridge in a pear tree

'Twas the weekend before Christmas, when all through the house

That we decided it was time to decorate the house;

[And yes, my dear friends, I am very aware

That I used the same word to rhyme just there]

The boxes from the attic were stacked on the floor

Full of ornaments, garlands and treasures galore;

So we opened the boxes and started to scratch our heads

Thinking to ourselves, "Man...I hope Lucy doesn't rip everything to shreds"

It was no time to settle down for a long winter's nap,

In a silly little kerchief or nappy old cap,

There was so much to be done, when we heard a loud splatter,

So we sprang from the room to see what was the matter.

In the corner of the kitchen in a big heaping stash,

Was crazy Princess Lucy ravaging the trash.

So we stuck her outside to play in the snow

Just kidding, it was dirt (just rubbing it in a little for those in the North East, you know)

Then we ran back upstairs to resume the tree adorning

Because what we had begun couldn't wait till the morning.

So we hung all the ornaments with care on the tree,

Shiny and precious little relics of holidays past, there for all to see.

When, what to our wondering eyes should appear,

It was Santa with his sleigh, plus a throng of reindeer!

Just kidding. Come on! Santa doesn't fly until Christmas Eve!

What we saw was a tree decorated like you wouldn't believe!!!

More rapid than eagles came Alanna with the angel she made

(Out of paper plates and crayons in either first or second grade)

And she placed it at the very tip top of the tree

And then all we could say was "Oooh," "Ahhh", and "Eeeee!"

And then, in a twinkling, we rushed to the table

To gather the gingerbread and sweets to see if we were able

To make candied houses to leave on display

For our family and friends to see on Christmas Day.

We started by icing all the walls together,

Hoping that the end result would look a whole lot better;

With bowls of different candies and sweets of all kinds,

We were definitely having a lovely, grand time!

The icing was sticky and it was a very tempting feat

To decorate gingerbread houses from such yummy sweets!

But one by one we finished the walls and the roofs

And, in the end, the sweets? Well......we only ate a FEW. :o)

Then we let Lucy back in and patted her little round belly,

That shook (when she sniffed the candy) like a bowlful of jelly.

Then we stopped to relax and enjoy and play

Excited about what was in store for us on Christmas Day.

So we finished our gingerbread houses with care;

And, yes, Joe helped, too! (Just thought I would share).

With the tree all adorned and our ginger houses drying

There was no time for fear, or anger or crying.

It was time to relax and enjoy the time together.

And once Christmas was here (believe it or not), it would be better!

Because we would all be surrounded by family, friends and love -

The gifts sent to us from the Father above.

So during this Christmastime, no matter how near or far,

Just remember how so very special you are.

And to those who are far from us on Christmas Eve

Remember that good comes to all who believe.

And we hope all the best hopes and wishes for you

And, if you believe, they just might come true!

So with Christmas tomorrow and Santa on his sleigh

We will finish this rhyme without further delay

And just say that we hope you are all happy and aware

That we are sending you our thoughts, and love, and care.

And now we say to you all, as we turn off the lights,

"Merry Christmas to all, and to all a good-night!"


Samara Link said...

This has to go down as the best post I've seen in months. How long did that take you?? Your holiday cheer looks amazing and was a fun read on this very Christmas morning. Happy holidays!!

Colleen said...

How stinking cute are you!!???? That was so fun to read! Hope you had a very Merry Christmas!

KathyinBlacksburg said...

Where are the drums (in the Christmas photo)? What's a holiday without a little family jammin? Just kidding.

Hope you are having wonderful holidays! Lots of love...

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