So if you are reading this, Judgment Day is upon us.
And, apparently, out of the billions upon billions of people who live across the entire planet, only 200 million of us can expect to be saved tomorrow at 6:00pm.
I, for one, am scared. First of all, I kind of wanted to have our baby in peace and be able to raise him in a semi-normal environment. But now...(and let's face it, my odds of being 1 of the 200 million are not good)...I will be stuck on the devastated and crumbling Earth until October when I and our little child will be wiped out with the rest of the sinners. And since my due date is August 21, that means the little one will only have 2 months to live. Totally not fair, if you ask me. I mean, a 2-month old baby hasn't even had enough time to learn how to sin yet.
I kind of don't really believe that this will actually happen, but Mr. Camping is all for it and is 110% confident that "It. Will. Happen."
Check out this Q & A with the Doomsday Calculator Man Himself
So...if the Rapture definitely IS tomorrow, and the End of the World really IS in October, then I just want to be sure to say the following while there's time:
Joe - I love you and you are my favorite person in the whole world, always and forever.
- Little Baby McG - I love you so much and haven't even met you yet! And I am sorry that the world will end so quickly after your birth, but will do whatever I can to make sure those 2 months are the best EVER!
- Mom and Dad - thank you for having me and Alanna and for loving us and caring for us (and to Dad for forcing hugs on us at every chance you get)
- Alanna - Thank you for being such a great sister. I wish I would have been a better sister to you, but want you to know that I love you so much.
- Lucy In The Sky With Diamonds Fur - You are a little angel on 4 legs and have brought me such happiness. But I guess we shouldn't have named you Lucy Fur, huh?
- Friends - My life would not have been even remotely as fun and wonderful and special if it wasn't for your presence in my life. My endless loves and thanks to you.
- Dr. Jordan - Please just give me an "A" in my Measurements and Statistics class. I really really REALLY want to die in the End of the World with a 4.0 GPA.
- God - Thank you for giving us the Earth as our home for the past umpteen bojillion years. I'm sorry you must end it all, but I've very much appreciated living here.
- And more for you - I'm not mad at you anymore for tipping our waiter at the Cheesecake Factory 50%. You probably made his night!
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