Thursday, May 5, 2011

dental schmental

Throughout all of my life so far, I have not had to get a single cavity filled. Not a single one. I have always been very proud of myself for this fact.

But perhaps I was a little too cocky because I went for years without seeing a dentist. Gross, I know...but oh well. Can't do anything about it now. my life of having un-cavity-filled teeth must come to an end because I have to get a root canal in one of my molars. This frightens me. A lot. It was caused by a wisdom tooth which grew in sideways pressing against the molar, causing a cavity. And now, years after the wisdom teeth were removed, the cavity has grown and the tooth now needs a root canal.

Awesome, huh?

I was hoping to live forever with no fillings or crowns or anything of the like.

I am officially a failure.

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