Take a good, long, hard, thoughtful look at this picture and then I'll tell you what you're looking at.
Go ahead.
Take a look.
Now I'll tell you what this is a picture of.
This, my friends, is a picture of the world's most expensive beagle dog. Literally. Indubitably. Absolutely. 100%. THE. MOST. EXPENSIVE. BEAGLE.
After a long night of stomach issues (diarrhea, vomiting, lack of appetite, lethargy, etc.), coupled with the recent resurgence of hip issues, we felt that something with Lucy was just really not right and didn't want to wait for our follow up appointment at the end of the week. Therefore, we decided to take her to the vet today for the new symptoms.
So Joe took Lucy to the vet while I watched our little munchkin and they did some more bloodwork, took a stool sample, gave her subcutaneous solution to prevent dehydration and gave her medication for nausea. As a result...the bloodwork came back normal. No parvo, no giardia. No apparent infections or issues there. We are still waiting for the valley fever test results, so will know even MORE (or less) once those results are in. But all in all, we know nothing. The vet knows nothing.
anti-ulcer medication to prevent ulcers from all the vomiting
Amoxicillin and Metronidazole
antibiotics to get rid of any intestinal bacteria or disease she may have
dewormer medication in case she has worms
And also some probiotic supplements for her food and pain medication (as needed) for her hips.
If you ask me, I think our dog definitely has a drug problem. Why else would she go to these great lengths to get so many medications? What other reason could there be for her incessant need to see the doggie doctor?
Hmmmm...our beagle, the druggie. I think it's time for an intervention.
While I don't have time (or energy) to discuss the notion of animals having substance abuse issues, I just wanted to illustrate that our beagle is flippin' expensive. Granted...if we didn't give a crap about her, we wouldn't spend anything on her. But when you know something's wrong, you want to make sure you can make it all better, right?
Well, she's obviously got some stomach and pain issues...so hopefully this brief medication period will help.
And if not, then I'm sure I'll write another blog about it.
So stay tuned!
And don't buy dogs from backyard breeders who are only in business for money and to breed dogs for good looks, not for good health.
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