Thursday, July 31, 2008

My turn !

  • Have you ever licked the back of a CD to try to get it to work? yes.
  • Ever been in a car wreck? Once or twice. I totalled a mercury Lynx when I was 16 because some jackass had his turn signal on, but wasn't turning. Lesson learned, never trust a turn signal. Then when I was 18 , taking the South Willow St exit off 293 the car behind me had a complete brake failure and rear ended my maxima causing about 3k in damages. When I was 20 I lost control in a snow storm and put my brand new S-10 pickup into a tree. Then at 25 driving to work in my ranger pickup from T's house on 93 an Audi I was passing lost his front wheel and it rolled in front of me, I ran it over and screwed up my front end pretty bad.
  • Were you popular in high school? negative ghostrider
  • Have you ever been on a blind date? yes. and we're getting married!!! good answer T-dawg !
  • Do you have any friends that you've known for 10 years or more? one or two
  • Have you ever made a mistake? Oh man, I've made a few...
  • Are you a good tipper? 20% unless you're absolutely horrible.
  • What the most you have spent for a haircut? I think it was about $20.
  • What song do you want played at your funeral? Not sure I really care, as I will be dead. Maybe prince ? I want you all to party like it's 19.99
  • Beatles or Stones? the Beatles
  • Do you have any phobias? large insects scare me. Luckily, AZ has LOTS of them.
  • If you were an animal, what would you be? I'd like to be a dog.
  • Would you rather be blind or deaf? Deaf. I'd rather be able to see things, than hear them. Plus I could still drive.
  • Do you have any special talents? I have the worst smelling gas in the world...ask T
  • What do you do as soon as you walk in the house? drop my keys, wallet, cellphone and sunglasses on the table in the dining room.
  • Do you prefer horror or comedy? comedy.
  • What is your favorite sport to watch? Motorcycle Racing
  • Are you named after anyone? Probably Joseph and Peter from the Bible.
  • Do you sing in the shower? OMG like totally !!!!!!
  • What is your favorite holiday? Thanksgiving, Easter, anytime family gets together and eats without having to buy presents !! Halloween is fun too. I think halloween should be a weekend long event. Or maybe a full week
  • Have you ever caught a fish? a few...once I even hooked myself.

OK, I think July will definitely be the most blogtastic month ever !

Oh Yeah, did you guys notice the countdown timer to the right ? My sister Jen is giving me her left kidney October 7th !!! woooohooooooo !

1 comment:

Bobbie said...

To set the record straight, the Peter came from your Great-Grandfather on your mother's side. Just always like the name Joseph

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