Tuesday, July 29, 2008


I apologize in advance and wanted to let you know that I will try to limit my talk of The Twilight Saga because I believe it is akin to my liking of the CW's Gossip Girl. But I just want to throw the information out there for those of you who have no idea what this is.

Basically, I had no idea what these books were, who they were written by; knew nothing about them. However, every time I was in a bookstore, I would see these books on display and the cover design always intrigued me (I'm a sucker for a good cover design).

Side Note 1
I give major props to the Stephenie Meyer marketing team
because if they hadn't been on display in every bookstore I went to,
I would have never even given these books a second glance.

Side Note 2
Stephenie Meyer is the author of these books, and is also from Phoenix.

Anyway, I picked up the first book, Twilight, and didn't really read the cover or anything. Just bought it. Like I said, I'm a sucker for a good cover (or, at least, what I think is a good design). And when I brought it home, Joe read the back and, with a semi-baffled look, read part of what it said.

"A Teen People 'HOT LIST' pick?" he said questioningly and (kind of) mockingly, in reference to the "teen" part.

I kind of chuckled, shrugged my shoulders, and didn't really respond. After all, Joe thinks I'm a freak already and, also, I wasn't really expecting to like the book much.

But I did.

A lot.

So I went out to buy the other two books in the series (New Moon and Eclipse) and finished them within 3 days. Keep in mind these books are at least 500 pages each.

What surprised me about this whole experience is just how big it actually is. There are oodles of websites devoted to these books and the characters in them. I mean, just Google the word "twlight" and you'll see what I mean. Even though the subject matter is different, it appears to be similar to the hype that always surrounds the Harry Potter franchise.

The final book of the series (Breaking Dawn) will be released this Saturday AND they already made the first book into a movie and it will be premiering sometime in December, so those are a couple things I'm looking forward to.

Anyway, check them out if you'd like. Or just laugh at me and say, "Ok, Theresa. Sure. I'll get right on that."


joehammed said...

OK Theresa, sure I'll get right on that. Pfffffft !!!

Jen said...

Jason LOVES these books too!
Although he is a TEEN. :)
I'll admit it, I read them too and liked them.

Mom, A, and J said...

I just read about these books in the newspaper. There are major bookstore parties planned for the final release -- just like Harry Potter. I was pulled in by the "vampire" description but I admit I was turned off by the "teen" part. Maybe I'll borrow one from Jason.....

t dawg said...

Ok good. So I'm not the only non-teenager who likes them.


Glad that's cleared up.

I suppose I shouldn't mention, though, that I will be picking up my pre-ordered copy of the new book on Friday at midnight? Yep. That takes me back down to the freak level, doesn't it?

Anyway, Steph - no worries. The teen part kind of put me off at first, too. But I found out that it's basically just a story about the kids' relationships (some who happen to be vampires) and is just quick and entertaining to read.

Colleen said...

I went out and bought Twilight today so that I could see if I am going to get roped in. I am a Gossip Girl fan, so I am hoping that this will be right up my alley as well!

t dawg said...

I think it's just an easy read that's very entertaining.

If you end up hating it...don't worry...you can yell at me all you want!!

ElaK said...

I'm sure I had noticed it but never actually verbalised how great the covers are, you're absolutely right! Simple, classy yet mysterious :)

It's so random you're from Phoenix, I'll have questions :PP

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