I'm surprised I haven't heard about this before, but apparently there is an organization called CERN that is experimenting with physics in an underground facility at the Franco-Swiss border near Geneva, Switzerland.
From my understanding (bear with me because I'm not scientifically minded)...this Large Hadron Collider they have created is some sort of proton collider whose findings will shed light on particle creation and, in essence, help explain theories such as the Big Bang Theory. And one of the things I've read said that this collision of particles might produce some dangerous results including micro black holes, strangelets, vacuum bubbles and magnetic monopoles. Not sure what those are except for the black holes. Fantastic. We're all going to be wiped out and I learn about the end of the world the day before it's going to happen.
For those of us in America, according to this countdown, this collider will be tested on Friday 08/08/08 (freaky) at 12:00am (Mountain Time), 3:00am (Eastern Time).
They say that the likelihood of something catastrophic happening is very slim, but still.....why do people feel the need to experiment with physics? I mean, due to the fact that something bad COULD happen, they should just leave it alone and start testing theories in a safer manner.
Perhaps I'm being paranoid but, just in case, I want you to know that I love you all dearly and my life would never be the same without you. You will be in my heart for always.
But, if all goes well and there is no end of the universe tomorrow at midnight, I want to get this for myself....
A new Volvo C30. It's soooooooooooo pretty!
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