Wednesday, August 27, 2008

the wait is over


Just wanted to let you all know that, as of September 29th, I will no longer be unemployed as I will begin training with the University of Phoenix to be an Academic Counselor!


I got the job thanks to my buddy, Lindsay (who used to work there), and her husband (who DOES work there) - the two of them, combined, got my resume to the right people. YOU GUYS ARE AWESOME!!!!

I'm taking a pay cut which, I know, isn't the worst thing in the world and there ARE more important things than money. But I'm at the point where I need to find a "career" and I finally have the chance to get back to doing what I originally set out to do with my Bachelor's degree. I didn't originally want to be an Academic Counselor, per say, but it's definitely a stepping stone into the world of helping people and the University of Phoenix has great benefits (including FREE TUITION!!). Plus, there are locations all across the country...which is helpful in case the future holds another relocation. I think it will work out well, though. One definite plus, too, is that the training doesn't start until the 29th...which means we can go on the cruise in Hawaii first and I won't have to worry about taking any time off!

Just thought I'd let you all know the good news - somebody out there DOES like me!!!


joehammed said...

WoooooooooooHoooooooooooooooo !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

hey guys! nice blog! - Dan H.

Joe remember when they called you kool aid lips on the bus?

Samara Link said...

Congratulations!!! That's awesome. You cannot beat free tuition, and I've heard great things about the hours and their health benefits. Good for you! I hope you love it and meet lots of nice people.

Now for a reply to one of your comments on my blog two weeks ago...

Holy late reply, Batman!
Teresa, I'm sorry it has taken me so long to get back to you.
I loved your comment. It's nice to know there's someone out
there that's as hooked as me! Lucy is so darling!!

As for camping spots that are dog friendly and near some water...
Our favorite spot is Potato Patch. It's at the top of Mingus Mountain,
elevation about 7500 feet -- So, it gets really cold up there. It's at the top of the mountain right between Jerome and Prescott. It's woodsy, $10 a night, great hiking, wonderful bathrooms! There isn't really water right there though.
In fact, we haven't been to a place with the dogs around here that has a great lake for them to play in, but I have recently done a drive by at a couple places that have water and look pretty nice.
Kaibob Lake by the Grand Canyon. Christopher Creek in Payson.
And there's another lake/camp ground across the street from
Christopher Creek. If you drive into Payson and turn right on
that main highway like you're going to the Grand Canyon,
it's on the right hand side about two miles up before Christopher
Creek. (Did you get all that?!) I think it's like Black Canyon or
something. Anyway, it looked pretty good! What I'm not 100%
sure of is if the dogs are allowed in there. You could find that online. I've also heard good things about Mormon Lake and that area. Hope that helps!!


Lindsay Teague Moreno | 5ive Photo said...

okay, forget my above comment, just saw this!!!! YAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAY!!! That's awesome! Can't wait to tell M!!!


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